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professional development

Dental Hygiene is more than cleaning teeth.  Continued knowledge of the latest science based research and development is how we can best serve our patients and community.  Being involved in the advocacy for advancement of our profession is important to the future of dental hygiene. 

Poster Presentation at ODHA conference 2022

  • At the 2022 Oregon Dental Hygiene Association's conference, my classmate Todd Schreiber and I presented a poster titled "What's Dope: A Dental Hygienist's Guide to THC, CBD, and Patient Care." With the legality of cannabis products and the growing number of individuals using them, we used research available to compile information pertinent to what could be seen every day by a dental hygienist.  Included in the presentation were topics such as, oral pathologies, signs and symptoms of use, local anesthetic interactions, and the subject of informed consent with patients under the influence.  It was a pleasure to have conversations with the likes of students, seasoned veteran hygienists and also leading members of ODHA.   


Community Oral health project

  • Through our Community Oral Health course, we were tasked to choose a population that may be underserved and create a program to reach out with education and resources.  My partner and I developed a program that taught high school seniors at both Beaverton and Tualatin high schools about oral health and how to find dental resources when they go out on their own without supervision.  We were able to use a pre-course survey to gather information on what level of knowledge the students had.  We used that information to build the course, then deliver a post-survey to track the amount of improvement in the subjects presented.  

continued education conferences

Continued education is a cornerstone of this profession.  I had the opportunity to learn from the industries finest at the professional association conferences where I took seminars on cultural competence, caries management, AAP classification, Trauma-informed care, and local anesthesia among others. ​ All while bonding with my fellow classmates and networking with others. 

  • 4/7/22 ODA Conference Portland, OR

  • 11/11/22 ODHA Conference Wilsonville, OR

  • 4/13/22 ODA Conference Portland, OR

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