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Midwest meets the world meets the northwest

Growing up in rural Nebraska gave me many things including a strong sense of hard work, love for the outdoors and a dry sense of humor.  I started working young and I learned early the value of hard work. Through the years I have gained valuable experiences through travel and work.  I have lived abroad, and traveled the world.  I have worked in places such as underneath the Tower Bridge in London, and at a remote fishing lodge in Alaska.  I have been in the art world, the service industry and the luxury diamond industry. I eventually found my home in the beautiful Northwest where I have put down strong roots and established a family.  Here I discovered that I could combine the skills, life experiences, and values I have obtained into the profession of Dental Hygienist.

SKILL MEETS connection MEETS community

What I excel at, and love to do, is work with my hands.  From being a bench goldsmith manipulating precocious metals and setting diamonds, to woodworking with a lathe in my garage, to the detail oriented work of a dental hygienist, I have developed meticulous tactile skills. Deciding to leave my last career as an entrepreneur, came from wanting a deeper connection with people.  Rather than being behind a computer I wanted to find a profession that would combine my abilities with my people skills and wanting to make a bigger impact in my community.  

Grit meets connections meets self discovery

This has not been an easy journey.  Deciding to go back to school and change career paths has taken determination, grit and a lot of support from family.  Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have become a better, more well rounded, humbled and compassionate person because of it.  I have made life long connections and learned more about myself than I have in years.  I am confident that I made the right decision to be come a dental hygienist and am happy that I have found this place in the world.   

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